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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse Altar Candles (51/366)

Candles on the altar last night as the Coven of the Silver Wheel met to celebrate the full moon and lunar eclipse. It was a truly magical evening.

Lunar Eclipse Altar Candles

An explanation of some of the objects: the knife visible at the lower right is the athame, the ritual blade, and is not used to cut anything except energy. The crescent moon shaped containers in the upper part of the shot hold consecrated water and salt. The brown object to their left is a cut-up bran muffin, and the shiny object to their right is the chalice that holds the juice, both of them for the ritual meal that concludes the ceremony. In the middle of the altar you see a container with sand, which holds a special charcoal used for burning resin incense. The object at the far left is a deer's jawbone, found in the forest and painted by one of the coven's members. The candles and the altar cloth are black because last night's ritual was in honor of the eclipse. Normally there are not quite that many candles on the altar, but each candle represents the illumination that a particular coven member lends to the group.

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